Hello from beautiful Montana:
As a parent educator, I teach families that the 3 best ways to insure their babies success in school and life is to:
- Talk to them ( tell them stories, tell them where their nose is, tell them what is going on in the room around them.)
- Read to them (babies love the sound of your voice and children love the closeness of cuddling on the sofa to read books. Ideally, you should read to them at least 20 minutes every day to enrich their vocabulary and use of the language.
- Sing to them (sing a nursery rhythm, nonsense song or a current top hit – babies need to learn about pitch, tone and volume too)
The communication skills taught in very young children instill a love of learning and a vocabulary that will assist them in various academic situations.
Nurture Positive and Encouraging Communication
This is best done when you can find these factors in the home and family;
- The atmosphere is warm and accepting. There is not a lot of judgement or rigid and unbending rules.
- Each member of the family is allowed to be unique and different. They are not locked into labels “The shy one” or roles “the good one.”
- The family enjoys being together and can laugh and play with each other.
- Members of the family feel that they can voice a different opinion and still be heard.
- The guidelines of the family are kind but firm.
Healthy family who have healthy communication is a goal for all of us. Especially if we were brought up in a family that did not allow open conversation and dialog.
To learn more about this subject, you are invited to go to: http://www.UseEncouragingWords.com You will be glad you did.
In support and love,
Judy Helm Wright aka Auntie Artichoke, family relationship author and keynote motivational speaker